Frequently Asked Questions

Is it free to attend book club?

Feminist Book Club Edinburgh is, and always will be, free.

However, since we meet in cafés around Edinburgh, attendees can purchase food or drink as a way of thanking the business for its patronage. This is not a requirement.

Who can attend book club?

We are a safe space for women as well as queer and trans people. Discrimination of any kind is not tolerated.

Men and male-identifying people are also allowed to join the book club — it’s not just for women.

You do not have to consider yourself a feminist to join.

All we ask is that you read part or all of the book before coming to the meeting and that you come with an open mind, ready to discuss the book!

I use a wheelchair or have other mobility needs. Can I still participate in book club?

Yes! We always choose meeting spots for our monthly book club meetings that have step-free access and are wheelchair-accessible.

I care for a young child, but I’d like to join. Can I still participate if I bring my kid?

Yes! Parents can join the book club and bring their kids. We want to be a book club that’s open to parents, and if that means bringing your child to a meeting, that’s OK. We also always choose meeting spots that have high chairs available for infants. Please note that the books we read can contain sensitive themes.

What sort of books do you read?

You can see our Meetings page (currently in progress) for a full list of the past meetings and the books we read!

How do you choose which book to read?

Book club attendees vote on next month’s read at the end of every meeting. We alternate between reading fiction and non-fiction and your book club organisers put together a short list every month, sometimes according to a theme to coincide with awareness dates such as Black History Month and LGBT Pride.

Sometimes, the book club organisers will decide the next month’s book without a shortlist, if they find something they’re excited about and want the group to discuss.

How do I join the book club?

Just come to a meeting! For information about where and when we meet, please check our Instagram and our website.

You can also sign up for our mailing list! We send out several emails a month with information on the next read as well as the time and place of our next meeting. To join the mailing list, head to the homepage.

There is no RSVP required to attend the book club meetings.

What can I expect at a book club meeting?

We always start with a round of introductions and an icebreaker question that is themed around the month’s read. We also have name tags because it’s not easy to remember a dozen new names at once.

This is followed by free discussion around the book, including everyone’s impressions of the book, thoughts they came away with, and lots of questions. We typically have an hour to 90 minutes of discussion before taking a vote on next month’s read to make sure that everyone has a chance to vote on their favourites before they need to leave. Attendees are always welcome to stay after this and continue chatting.

If you have a question that hasn’t been answered here, please get in touch!